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InPublishing Podcasts

Each episode of the InPublishing Podcast features an in-depth interview with a leading figure in the publishing world. The podcast is published on an occasional basis – you can subscribe via your preferred podcast app, or listen to the episodes below.

Season 4

Episode 45: Uwern Jong

Episode 45: Uwern Jong

James Evelegh talks to Uwern Jong, founder & editor-in-chief of OutThere, about: • why his preferred title is 'experientialist-in-chief' • why publishing should be as much about delivering inspiration, as information • why he's still in love with print ("there's nothing as tactile or experiential") • his approach to the pandemic ("I'm a glass half full type of person and not one to wallow in doom & gloom") and helping his audience to #keepyourmindtravelling • how the pandemic gave them a chance to take stock and work out what's really important for OutThere • how the publishing world is taking steps to become more inclusive, but "there's still a long way to go". • why every company should have a diversity strategy • how travel helps expand your horizons and make you a better person • his most memorable travel experience and which two destinations are top of his bucket list • why he believes that publishers should focus on creating outstanding content and ditch the clickbait • and much more (This interview was recorded on 21st October.)

Thank you to Air Business for sponsoring this podcast. Air Business is a market-leader in distribution and subscription management services for the publishing industry.

Episode 44: Will Page

Episode 44: Will Page

James Evelegh talks to Will Page, author and former chief economist at Spotify, about: • what publishers can learn from his book 'Tarzan Economics: Eight Principles in Pivoting Through Disruption' • how the music industry was the first to suffer and the first to recover • how consumption is not the problem, monetisation is • how industries, when they face disruption, shouldn't fight change, but build something that's better than before ... "change is happening regardless" • how tech kills friction ("publishing still has a lot of friction") • how the future of publishing might be catering to the extremes: bargain & luxury • what lessons publishers can take from the rebirth of vinyl • how publishers need to aim much higher as their current subs numbers are "missing zeros" • how publishers can rethink the challenges they face • how the redesign of King's Cross station was publishing's "Napster moment" • why we should actually listen to customers: "customers have pulses, dashboards don't" • and much more… (This interview was recorded on 4th October.)

Thank you to Air Business for sponsoring this podcast. Air Business is a market-leader in distribution and subscription management services for the publishing industry.

Episode 43: Jo Allan

Episode 43: Jo Allan

James Evelegh talks to Jo Allan, chief executive of Newsworks, about: • why the news media sector needs to tell a consistent and unified story • why younger readers have often turned to mainstream news brands during the pandemic • the industry's largest ever collaboration and the opportunities it presents in the future • Newsworks' efforts to raise awareness of blocklists (a "blunt tool") • their latest ad effectiveness research and how they're targeting brands who are under-investing in news media • how their biggest challenge is shifting perceptions in younger media planners • what news media can learn from the success of the big social media platforms • why the industry's efforts to improve diversity and inclusion are so important • and much more… (This interview was recorded on 21st September.)

Thank you to Air Business for sponsoring this podcast. Air Business is a market-leader in distribution and subscription management services for the publishing industry.

Episode 42: Helen Fish

Episode 42: Helen Fish

James Evelegh talks to Helen Fish, group chief executive of Executive Grapevine, about: • their transition from traditional publisher to marketing services company focused on lead generation • the importance of research and understanding your readers: "you've got to walk the steps with your readers". • how GDPR was the biggest opportunity to take market share • why 'time on page' is the key metric • why the future is in personalised content (though the audience might not be ready for it yet) • delivering an outstanding experience to all stakeholders through putting people first • the constant search for improvement: "I don't believe in relaunches; change happens daily". • why she has no intention of going back to being an office based business • her thoughts on the future of events - virtual vs in-person • the critical importance of having unique, sticky content: "invest in your journalists and you will reap the rewards". • and much more… (This interview was recorded on 12th August.)

Thank you to Air Business for sponsoring this podcast. Air Business is a market-leader in distribution and subscription management services for the publishing industry.

Episode 41: Alex Kersten

Episode 41: Alex Kersten

James Evelegh talks to Alex Kersten, editor-in-chief of Car Throttle, about: • passing the 3m subscriber mark on YouTube and becoming desensitised to the numbers • how they specialise in “relatable content”, videos their millennial audience can “watch on a Friday and replicate on a Saturday” • why the secret of successful branded content is “knowing your audience and not alienating them with branded content they’re not going to be interested in, no matter what the monetary reward” • what other journalists thinking of stepping in front of the camera need to do: “know your audience and speak to them on their level, and… research the hell out of the subject” (and “be you, but on a really good day”) • why you need to be ruthless when editing and cut the waffle. If you think something’s funny, listen back to it three times to make sure. • his new responsibilities as editor-in-chief, that include better aligning the three pillars of the brand: YouTube / web / social • Car Throttle’s plans for the future: “there’s no limit to how big it can get” • the secrets of success on social media, including posting consistently to ensure you remain top of people’s feeds, showing a personality that people can relate to, and collaboration – “caring is sharing, especially online” • and much more… (This interview was recorded on 5th August.)

Thank you to Air Business for sponsoring this podcast. Air Business is a market-leader in distribution and subscription management services for the publishing industry.

Season 3

Episode 40: Marie Davies

Episode 40: Marie Davies

James Evelegh talks to Marie Davies, managing director at Immediate Media Co, about: • why subs and recurring revenues are the key to success and the bedrock of their business • why affiliates offer an exciting new revenue stream with the challenge being to create a seamless user experience • how their craft titles have helped alleviate mental health issues during lockdown • how the subs file on their craft titles has grown 45% in the last twelve months, partly on the back of new millennial crafters • the strategic thinking behind the merging (digitally speaking) of all their craft brands into their new site, • their new weekly newsletter strategy • how, for a specialist title, readers have a sense of ownership. The titles "belong to them". • the importance of setting clear objectives and KPIs for social media activity • why video will play an increasingly important role in the future of their craft titles • why she's excited about the future: "I think the entire business is a really exciting place to be; there's always something new to learn". • and much more... (This interview was recorded on 1st July.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 39: Jim Bilton

Episode 39: Jim Bilton

James Evelegh talks to Jim Bilton, creator of the recent mediaONmedia survey, about: • how rewatching Citizen Kane during lockdown got him looking into what other media films were out there • how what started out as a bit of "lockdown fun" has thrown up fascinating insights into the present state of the media sector • why a film from the 1970s encapsulates what journalism is all about • which recent news media events might make good material for a future film • why the newsroom provides such fertile ground for TV gold • why former Sunday Times editor Harold Evans dominates the book lists • the enduring appeal of Evelyn Waugh's Scoop • why he added a supplementary question about the "most influential people in the media" and the interesting people it threw up • how someone described by one survey respondent as "clueless and conscious-free" dominates world media today • the prospect of Trump, the media mogul • and much more... (This interview was recorded on 10th June.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 38: Sharon Cooper

Episode 38: Sharon Cooper

James Evelegh talks to Sharon Cooper, chief digital officer at The Economist Intelligence Unit, about: • the nature of organisational change: people want change until they actually have to make the change • why she sees her role as not automating people out of a job, but automating them into a better job • how EIU's new Viewpoint product focuses on the user experience, allowing for both 'deep dive' and 'horizon scan' usage • how expectations of website design have changed: users now expect everything to be as simple as the best B2C experience • why business information providers should avoid getting "too fancy" • how, with clients increasingly being able to access the data themselves, business information providers need to remain laser focused on where they add value • the rise of real-time data and how to avoid data overload • how to embed yourself into a client's workflow without getting in the way • why there's nothing necessarily wrong with legacy tech, just legacy tech that's not looked after • why clients and users are both the biggest threat and the biggest opportunity to business information providers • and much more... (This interview was recorded on 27th May.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 37: Ed Walker

Episode 37: Ed Walker

James Evelegh talks to Ed Walker, audience and content director (regionals) and editor-in-chief of, at Reach PLC, about: • what he learned working in some of Reach's regional newsrooms • quickly growing a digital audience in Birmingham • how InYourArea grew exponentially during lockdown • why local journalists shouldn’t always stand back and observe, but offer solutions too • Reach's plans for every county to have a 'Live' site by the end of next year • why we should never stop experimenting; the day we do, we're in trouble • why the best bit about being a journalist is seeing the difference you make • why we should never be complacent; as in Formula 1, we can always make another tweak to enhance performance • why a sustainable future lies through getting closer to your readers and by being relevant • and much more... (This interview was recorded on 13th May.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.

Episode 36: Mike Sewell

Episode 36: Mike Sewell

James Evelegh talks to Mike Sewell, managing director of CPL, about: • the thinking behind their recent MBO and his plans for the future • the transition from contract publisher to content marketing agency • why storytelling skills, words and pictures are still fundamental • why membership organisations need to work out what their message is before worrying about the channels • why print still has a vital role to play in the content mix • why the hero / hub / hygiene model still applies • how Covid has accelerated pre-existing trends but also given organisations the opportunity to go back to first principles • the challenges of onboarding new staff during a pandemic (10% of CPL's staff have started during lockdown) • the important role the office has to play in the future • and much more... (This interview was recorded on 6th May.)

Thank you to AdvantageCS for sponsoring this podcast. AdvantageCS is a specialist provider of subscription and membership management software.