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67 Bricks

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67 Bricks

67 Bricks are a technology consultancy and full-service product development team. We’ve been working in the information industry since 2007 and have a roster of clients that stretches from scholarly publishers dealing with huge amounts of data to business intelligence companies providing critical insights to global decision-makers on tough topics. We are an agile company, meaning we ensure fast but high-quality product development. At the heart of this is a customer-focused approach, with the knowledge that true and valuable product development is an ongoing process, not something you should stop doing post-launch.

Product Development

We can work with you throughout the entire life of an idea, from research and conception through to delivery and ongoing support. We can either work autonomously to achieve your goals or work side-by-side with in-house teams – whatever works best for you.

By partnering with us, you can:

  • Move quickly without disrupting business-as-usual work
  • Reduce your risk by trusting in a partner that can deliver to time, specification and budget
  • Slim your time-to-market with a scalable, flexible external resource that is focused solely on outcomes
  • Benefit from a wide pool of expertise and specialisms without investing heavily in recruitment just to meet a finite goal
  • Provide training and development for your internal team with knowledge sharing and upskilling side-by-side with experts

Technology consultancy

Customers have come to us wanting help with big questions such as:

  • Is our product platform fit for future audiences?
  • Is AI an opportunity or a threat?
  • How can we maximise the value of our internal data to make better decisions?
  • What opportunities for new revenue can we create from our existing content?
  • How can we better integrate our technology stack to create seamless experiences?
  • I’m interested in this new technology – will it work well with my existing stack?
  • There’s potential to acquire a new company – what shape is their technology in?

If you’re facing a tricky problem, our experts are here to help you solve it and implement the solution effectively. As a full-service consultancy, we provide answers that can be implemented, guide you through that implementation or even build and integrate it for you. So you’ll never be left just with a report that you can’t action.

Get in touch with our team today for a free scoping call to figure out how we can best support you to meet your goals in 2024.