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Roundtable: Six strategies for a profitable future in magazine media


Every publisher wants to succeed, grow and produce content that people want to read. Staying profitable whilst still giving your audience and advertisers what they want is the name of the game. So, how can publishers achieve this holy grail in the current ever-changing landscape?

Join our expert panellists, linked by webcams, to see which strategies you can apply to ensure you meet your business goals now and in the future.

Panellists (via webcam): former Cosmopolitan editor Louise Court, digital MD at Midland News Association Andy Hill and Phil Walker, managing director of PCS Publishing. The webinar will be moderated by James Evelegh, editor of InPublishing (see full biogs below).

What will be discussed:

  • Whether paywalls are the best way of monetising digital content
  • The importance of nurturing your team
  • Premium advertising and how to avoid the race to the bottom
  • Why creativity matters
  • Creating and managing channel agnostic content
  • Choosing the right technology to deliver real-time, personalised content

Who should attend:

Publishing directors, business owners, editors and other senior executives at magazine media companies.

This webinar was broadcast on 2.30-3.15pm (BST), Tuesday 17 April 2018

Panellists: Louise Court, Andy Hill and Phil Walker

Louise Court (top left) is a consultant, writer and speaker. Current work includes consulting director of commercial content at Time Inc as well as working with two digital start-ups. Louise also advises on major charity projects and recently came back from the Hague where she worked with victims of rape in warfare. She was previously a multi-award winning editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan for nearly nine years and editorial director of Hearst UK.

Andy Hill (top right) is digital MD at Midland News Association (MNA). Andy has been involved in digital media and advertising for over 22 years. He spent 17 years at Auto Trader in a variety of commercial roles; Auto Trader is seen by many as a blueprint for digital transformation. After this, he spent two and a half years at Zoopla heading up the business services division before joining MNA as digital MD responsible for digital strategy and accelerating the growth of digital revenues for the group.

Phil Walker (bottom left) is managing director of PCS Publishing (PCS). Phil has nearly 30 years’ experience within the publishing industry and has been MD of PCS since 2008, playing a significant part in driving the team to develop and deliver publishing solutions for the industry now and in the future. He was the driving force behind the development of Knowledge Publish, an editorial content management system that every day supports the creation of over 10,000 articles for web, print and digital.

Moderator: James Evelegh

James (pictured above, bottom right) has worked in magazine publishing since 1989, and has been the editor and publisher of InPublishing since it launched in 2003. He began his career with Trinity Publishing (now DMG) and was then group circulation manager at Centaur Communications from 1994 to 1996. From 1996 to 2003, he worked as a circulation consultant to a wide range of companies including Guardian Media Group, FT Business, Euromoney, WH Smith News and Wilmington.

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