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Current Publishing partners with Exact Editions

Current Publishing, one of Britain’s foremost publishers of heritage focused magazines, has announced the launch of a brand new digital expansion in partnership with Exact Editions.

As part of this digital launch, a new subscription option complete with website and iOS app editions and comprehensive digital archives is now available for each of Current Publishing’s three titles.

The digital edition of Current Archaeology, Current World Archaeology and Military History Monthly will all be available to purchase from the Exact Editions website, offering web, iOS and Android access. Digital access of each title comes equipped with a comprehensive archive of back issues stretching up to 50 years, and features the latest Exact Editions’ reader software, and search technology so that users can get the most out of this in-depth and important resource, says Exact Editions.

The magazines can be found in the Exact Editions institutional shop here:

Current Archaeology

Current World Archaeology

Military History Monthly

Rob Selkirk, Managing Director of Current Publishing said about the digital launch: “At Current Publishing we are delighted to be able to offer readers the opportunity to read our magazines in a wide range of digital formats. I'm particularly excited to enable our archaeology readers unprecedented and instant access to 50 years of archaeological news and research, which I'm sure is going to be a unique and very important archive.”

Daryl Rayner, Managing Director of Exact Editions said: “Exact Editions are delighted to bring the Current Publishing titles to a new and expanding market. These titles fit well with Exact Editions range of titles, with in-depth, expert writing that will prove popular to individuals and institutions alike.”