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Grazia celebrates NHS staff with four split covers

Bauer Media’s Grazia magazine publishes a special issue this week celebrating NHS frontline workers, as a way, says Bauer, of saying thanks for their selfless dedication to the UK population.

Grazia celebrates NHS staff with four split covers
Hattie Brett: “They’re going above and beyond to battle the physical and emotional effects of Covid-19 – risking their own lives to help us all.”

The title photographed four frontline NHS Workers in NHS car-parks, maintaining social distancing, for four split front covers and images for its editorial feature. Deputy Features editor Anna Silverman interviewed each frontline worker, who revealed their new reality working amid the Coronavirus crisis. This special issue of Grazia is being offered free to all NHS staff as a digital download.

The NHS frontline workers featured are: Dr Janitha Gowribalan, 35, an anaesthetist and intensive care doctor at Whittington Hospital, north London, Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, Labour MP for Tooting, and an A&E doctor, Sarah Blanchard, 27, a paramedic in Essex and Richenda Browne, 29, a senior staff nurse in the emergency department at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Hattie Brett, Editor of Grazia commented: “Some extraordinary things are emerging from this crisis. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who stood on my doorstep last week sobbing as my entire street clapped for the carers who are working tirelessly to fight coronavirus. Undoubtedly there are many heroes that have emerged over the last few weeks – from delivery drivers and supermarket workers to teachers keeping classrooms open. But those on the frontline, most exposed to the virus, are the NHS workers. They’re going above and beyond to battle the physical and emotional effects of Covid-19 – risking their own lives to help us all. We owe them all enormous gratitude; and this week’s issue of Grazia is our attempt to say thank you to the NHS and let their workers send a clear message to us all. The cover shoot was like none I’ve ever worked on; shot in a matter of minutes in the car parks of NHS hospitals, maintaining social distancing, before Dr Janitha Gowribalan, Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, paramedic Sarah Blanchard and nurse Richenda Browne went back to their day jobs – saving lives.”

Lauren Hollyoake, Publisher of Grazia added: “Like many across the country, we at Grazia feel huge gratitude to the many thousands of NHS workers putting themselves at risk on the frontline. We felt compelled to put a spotlight on some of these heroes in order to share their stories with our readers and highlight their incredible efforts. The team have created a powerful issue – all done with each individual member working from their own home. An outstanding feat. Grazia will continue to create relevant first class content and adapt in order to connect with the changing lives of our audience in the coming weeks and months.”

This is not the first time Grazia magazine has championed everyday women and put their readers’ health at its centre. Last year Grazia partnered with ‘We Can’t Consent To This’ and Harriet Harman MP to campaign to end the so-called ‘50 Shades’ defence, and also worked with Public Health England on a campaign to inspire all women 25-64 to attend their cervical cancer screenings.

This special issue of Grazia has been pre-promoted on its social channels and can be ordered here.