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ShortList Media powers up Content Solutions Offering

Shortlist Media Ltd today announces a significant evolution of its commercial operations as it gears up for further growth in the year ahead.

ShortList Media has announced the following changes:

* All sales, content creation and implementation staff attached to Shortlist Media’s print and digital creative solutions offering are merged to form a single cross platform team with the new title of Content Solutions.

* Simultaneously all core media agency facing sales personnel attached to Shortlist Media’s print and digital offerings are merged to form a single cross platform Trading unit.

* Mark Sandford and Chris Healy are promoted to Commercial Director, Content Solutions and Commercial Director, Trading respectively to lead the new look teams.

Mark Sandford says: “By pooling the talent and resource attached to our print and digital platforms into a single cohesive Content Solutions unit we will appreciably power up our capability to deliver stand out cross platform solutions for our advertisers, I’m really looking forward to getting started.”

Chris Healy says: “Content Solutions is an exciting and growing part of our business and the media landscape at large, yet it is equally important that we are able to consistently & efficiently deliver our core ad formats to meet the basic and fundamental needs of our advertiser base. I enjoy working with Mark, we should drive some good results in the year ahead and have some fun doing it!”

Karl Marsden, Managing Director of Shortlist Media Ltd, says: “In Chris and Mark we have two fantastic home grown operators who can combine brilliantly to optimise the offering of our commercial teams, the two guys are always looking for ways we can better meet the needs of our advertisers. Alongside them Glenda Marchant will continue to marshal the efforts of our client facing publishing team ensuring that our brands are perfectly positioned to make the very most of the opportunity that these exciting changes represent.”