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Two EUP journals flip to Open Access

Edinburgh University Press has announced that two journals are to flip to Open Access under Subscribe to Open pilot.

Two EUP journals flip to Open Access
Sarah McDonald: “We are excited to announce the success of our initial trial of the Subscribe to Open model and would like to thank our library partners for their continued support.”

Edinburgh University Press has announced that the two journals included in its 2024 Subscribe to Open pilot (Afghanistan and the Journal of Holy Land & Palestine Studies) will flip their 2024 volumes to open access.

Subscribe to Open (S2O) is a collaborative open access model that relies on subscriptions to make content open access without the need for article processing charges, added Edinburgh University Press. Under the S2O model, subscribers are offered full access to their publication through the usual renewal process. If enough choose to subscribe, the publication is flipped to OA for that year’s volume.

The two journals in the publishers pilot reached their subscriber threshold, due to the ongoing support of library subscribers, and their 2024 volumes will therefore be open for all to read in perpetuity. This provides key benefits for authors, as publishing open access can lead to an increase in readership, citations, impact and reach.

Announced in October 2023, EUP says its S2O pilot demonstrates its commitment to equity and accessibility in academic publishing.

Sarah McDonald, head of journals at Edinburgh University Press said: “We are excited to announce the success of our initial trial of the Subscribe to Open model and would like to thank our library partners for their continued support. We believe the S2O model offers a more sustainable route to open access for HSS publishers and smaller presses, without putting pressure on journal editors to publish more content than submission levels allow, nor on authors to find OA funds.”

For further information on the Edinburgh Subscribe to Open model, please click here.

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