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ABC to deliver independent Certification to newly agreed Social Video Code

ABC today launches its Social Video Code certification, the latest in its series of independent brand safety certifications to standards set by JICWEBS.

The new Code is an extension of Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) Good Practice Principles and alongside existing brand safety services, including Content Verification product certification, continues to raise the bar on delivering greater brand safety to advertisers, says ABC.

The new certificate is available to businesses who sign up with ABC to verify their compliance with the JICWEBS agreed Code of Conduct around Social Video ad placement, which states that Signatories will use best endeavours to ensure that Branded Content is not distributed into environments that are inappropriate for the brand in question. This commitment also extends to refraining from the use of placements / links / images (redirects) on inappropriate environments to drive users to appropriate environments which host the video player.

Jerry Wright, Chief Executive at ABC comments; “Many advertisers want to take advantage of the benefits of online advertising. The Code of Conduct for Social Video, underpinned by the industry-agreed ABC ‘stamp of trust’, will deliver transparency and greater confidence around this maturing platform for brand owners.”

Steve Chester, Director of Data and Industry Programmes at IAB comments: “Social video is a rapidly expanding opportunity for advertisers; offering an exciting, innovative and personalised way to engage with a brand’s consumers. Brand safety is of uppermost importance to advertisers and this new code, building on the Good Practice Principles from the DTSG, helps make this new opportunity safer.”

Social Video is defined as non-interruptive, user initiated video and is a rapidly growing area. The Social Video Code has been developed by ABC working with the IAB and industry practitioners.