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BPA to launch B2B private digital advertising marketplace

BPA Worldwide yesterday announced it is launching a private digital ad marketplace (PMP) for its B2B members in the second quarter of 2017.

BPA’s PMP launch comes in response to member and industry interest and input, says the BPA.

BPA conducted a months-long ‘Listen & Learn’ tour with publishers and marketers regarding top industry priorities and the PMP for B2B brands was identified as an opportunity to provide buyers greater access to quality data and efficiency in the digital marketplace,” explained BPA President and CEO Glenn Hansen. BPA will continue its Listen & Learn tour and is now signing up business media members for the launch.

“BPA’s PMP of audited member sites including assurance around data integrity will be the only industry owned, not-for-profit, tripartite membership organisation – B2B advertisers, agencies and media owners – to provide this service,” Hansen continued. “In the case of buying ad space programmatically, BPA will establish a vertically focused PMP comprised of BPA’s B2B members’ audited sites. According to our findings, individual members are not able to reach scale on their own to be of appeal to the technology vendors; however, when put together, BPA’s B2B membership can create a significant impact in the marketplace.”

The BPA PMP is a prime opportunity for smaller, niche B2B member sites, Hansen added. Private marketplaces allow interested buyers to purchase on a guaranteed basis or bid on highly qualified publisher inventory, which commands premium rates. The process is managed in real time, allowing the highest bidder to win the inventory, says the BPA.

“The top reasons publishers don’t currently use programmatic selling is scale, lack of familiarity with the process and the challenge of establishing independent third-party quality differentiators,” he said. “The BPA PMP addresses those challenges. Already an established and trusted audit partner, the BPA PMP offers B2B buyers quality audited audiences and an automated way to reach them.”