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Circdata appoints head of strategic insight to help clients get GDPR-ready

Circdata, the subscriptions and event registration company, has appointed Hellen Beveridge to the new position of head of strategic insight, a connective marketing and data role.

Hellen will work within the senior management team to ensure that the company and its clients are ready for the impending General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the obligations of which are far-reaching with new roles for accountability and governance, new operational processes, an overhaul of consent and new and extended rights.

In a recent client survey, 46% of respondents confessed to not having any awareness of GDPR and 72% with no understanding of the key changes they need to make in terms of collecting and storing data. Hellen has come on-board to give clients the helping hand they need to prepare their businesses and avoid the penalties of non-compliance, set extremely high at €20 million or 4% of annual turnover (whichever is greater), says Circdata.

Hellen was made a Fellow of the Institute of Direct Marketing in 2008 and her experience covers inbound and outbound marketing; meetings and live event management; and traditional communications, data and PR. She is now using this knowledge as a pioneer of connective marketing practice to drive behavioural change and business success.

She has worked with many clients, including publishers, exhibition organisers, commercial companies, NGOs, local authorities, trade unions and membership organisations, dealing with the development and production of everything from membership research and recruitment, direct, digital and content marketing, websites, social media, virtual events and live exhibitions.

James Ormiston, managing director at Circdata, said: “GDPR is a game changer across all industries and here at Circdata we are very conscious of our obligations and needs, for us, and also for our clients. I am delighted to welcome Hellen aboard to work not only with our established data team, but everyone here at Circdata to ensure that we are ready, expert and successful at implementing these complex regulations.”