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ESI Media announces new sponsor for Rainbow List

ESI Media yesterday announced that Asda will sponsor The Independent on Sunday’s Rainbow List – the new name for the paper’s annual Pink List – which honours the 101 most influential lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Britain.

The list, which is in its 15th year, will be announced in Sunday’s paper and will celebrate the LGBT heroes devoted to campaigning for progress and equality, says ESI Media.

ASDA’s sponsorship will run across ESI Media’s print, online and social media platforms, while the supermarket will also receive significant exposure at Tuesday’s party.

More than 4,000 people have voted for nominees for the list that recognises the most influential lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Britain and has seen Olympic boxing champion Nicola Adams, TV presenter Clare Balding and award-winning journalist Paris Lees top the list in previous years.

Matthew Jenkinson, Asda LGBT Chair, said: “We’re really thrilled to be supporting The Rainbow List 2014 as this mirrors our view on diversity and inclusion at Asda. As a business, we believe diversity in the workplace is important in creating a dynamic, welcoming and enjoyable place to work for all colleagues. We believe that the Rainbow List is influential as it celebrates life achievements that inspire the next generation of the LGBT community into becoming confident LGBT leaders of the future, something Asda strongly values. As such we have already pledged our continuing support for 2015.”

Dominic de Terville, Head of Sponsorship and Events at ESI Media, said: “This partnership with Asda is an excellent opportunity for us, reinforcing ESI’s multi-platform approach, spanning print, editorial and now events, and we are pleased to be able to work together to support diversity in this way.”