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Exact Editions unveils new web reader

Exact Editions yesterday announced the launch of a new web reader for all content on the platform: magazines and books.

Every publication available via the Exact Editions website is displayed in the clarity and glory of the original layout, says the company, while featuring Exact Editions’ intelligent linking, advanced search technology, and efficient issue stacking for easy browsing of large archives.

Each user of Exact Editions, whether they are accessing as part of a print subscription, purchase via the web shop, or are an institutional subscriber, can now browse editions on the new reader.

The new reader can be tried out here.

Daryl Rayner, Managing Director of Exact Editions said about the launch: “The new reader software that the Exact Editions team have developed demonstrates our commitment to cutting edge technology, with consistent and responsive software that answers the needs of our users. Allowing the pages of each magazine and book to speak for themselves while enhancing the user experience with search, bookmarking and stacking technology, the new reader is a piece of software that will be greatly appreciated by all.”