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Glamour features 9 inspiring NHS heroes

Glamour has released a special celebratory cover featuring 9 women on the NHS frontline who have shared their inspiring stories from the Coronavirus frontline.

Glamour features 9 inspiring NHS heroes
Deborah Joseph: “It’s a nod of appreciation to the people who work tirelessly day in, day out to keep us safe and healthy.”

The UK came together yesterday at 8pm to clap, cheer and thank all NHS staff, social care workers and carers for their ongoing hard work against the coronavirus.

Last night, Glamour released its special celebratory cover. These inspirational women are working tirelessly day in and day out to help us fight this pandemic and they have shared their experience, how their looking after their wellbeing and that of their family, and advice for the public in this special feature, says Glamour.

As Deborah Joseph, Editor-in-Chief of Glamour, says in her Editor's introduction: “While many of us are isolating at home, looking after our families and flicking incessantly through Netflix wondering how we’re going to get through this period of lockdown, there is an army of NHS workers who leave their loved ones on a daily basis to go to work – putting their own lives at risk while they help us fight this pandemic.”

“At Glamour, we’re accustomed to seeing celebrities and public figures grace the covers of magazines. But for our latest cover, we wanted to take the opportunity to acknowledge and show gratitude to the NHS.”

“It’s a nod of appreciation to the people who work tirelessly day in, day out to keep us safe and healthy. So as the country cheers them on at 8pm tonight, we’re releasing a special cover featuring 9 frontline workers.”

“From nurses, A&E doctors, care workers, midwives and registrars to all the people who keep our hospitals running, we want to say a huge thank you.”

“These are extraordinary times. If anything, recent events have served to highlight what we truly value in life and society. The NHS has always been cherished and never more so than now.”

Read the full feature here.