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Haymarket launches new podcast

Haymarket Impact announced the launch of its new podcast, Impact Talks, on Earth Day.

Haymarket launches new podcast
Haymarket: “Impact Talks will speak to some of the most influential people in the sustainability space, share advice, tips and insights on how we can positively contribute to the future of our planet.”

Haymarket says, taking inspiration from the multitude of podcasts by its brands, Haymarket Impact has launched one too.

Since launching Haymarket Impact in March, the publisher says they have been working hard to maintain pace as they accelerate their ESG framework and stay true to their new Purpose: Shaping a better future with remarkable content.

The publisher says that Impact Talks will speak to some of the most influential people in the sustainability space, share advice, tips and insights on how we can positively contribute to the future of our planet, and ensure Haymarket Impact’s goals and progress is being transparently communicated.

Haymarket’s Impact agenda aligns itself closely with those UN Sustainable Development Goals where the business feels it can make the most positive difference right now.

One of which is Goal 4. Climate Action. The Earth Day special episode served to shine a much needed spotlight on the urgent action needed to tackle the climate crisis.

Nearly every country in the world is not on track to meet net zero 2050 targets, added the publisher, our planet is warmer now than it has been in 800,000 years, and we’re using up more of the world’s resources than it can regenerate. But there are ways we can help and actions we can take that will make a difference.

The episode which launched on 22 April included a special interview between Gideon Spanier, editor in chief of Campaign, speaking to Laura Haynes, who has held multiple prominent positions in the impact, purpose and sustainability space, including former UK chair of the UN Women National Committee. Haymarket has also announced Laura as its newest external advisor to the global Impact board.

We also hear Impact manager, Tara Geoghegan, speak to David Ellis, founder & CEO of Maikai Group and the second external advisor to Haymarket’s global Impact board, Chloe Harman, editor of MIMS and Tim Cresner, head of subscriptions for Haymarket Asia.

Give it a listen, continued the publisher, find out why Earth Day matters, how to walk the talk, what small individual steps can make a big collective difference and more.

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