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How It Works ‘Acrobatics’ issue prints exclusive covers for UK & US

Imagine Publishing has announced an exclusive split run of two amazing covers; certain to excite audiences across both the UK and US.

Issue 75 of the flagship science and technology magazine, How It Works, leads with an article dedicated to the incredible engineering behind aerobatics displays. It is available in the UK with a cover featuring the famous Red Arrows of the RAF. In America this same issue features the US Navy’s amazing Blue Angels as the cover stars, exclusively for the American audience, say Imagine Publishing.

“Awe-inspiring subjects, like death-defying aerobatic displays, are at the very core of How It Works,” said Editor in Chief, Dave Harfield. “We know our readers on both sides of the Atlantic will love to read about the planes and pilots, so we wanted to create covers that would excite our audience in the UK and US equally. This presented us with a unique opportunity to create two amazing covers for the same issue – a first for How It Works magazine.”

“It was certainly a design challenge to create two quality covers for a high-profile product like How It Works”, said Senior Art Editor, Helen Harris. “But it was a challenge we were keen to take and on and the results speak for themselves. Both covers capture the dynamic excitement experienced by fans of the Red Arrows and Blue Angels alike.”

The lead feature of How It Works issue 75 includes an in-depth explanation of the stunts performed by both of the world-famous aerobatic display teams, along with a detailed technical breakdown of the Hawk T1 and F/A-18 Hornet flown by the Red Arrows and Blue Angles respectively.