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Mark Allen Group acquires Heelec Ltd

The Mark Allen Group has completed its second acquisition this year by its share purchase, for an undisclosed sum, of Heelec Ltd, whose principal asset is EMEX, a net zero and energy management expo.

Mark Allen Group acquires Heelec Ltd
Mark Allen: “It puts our company right at the heart of the central debate relating to sustainability.”

EMEX, a B2B exhibition for professionals responsible for managing their organisation’s energy consumption, will sit within MA Exhibitions, one of the seven operating companies in the group, run by managing director Tim Willoughby. It follows the acquisition earlier this year of Regen, the regeneration event held annually in Liverpool.

Heelec was set up in 2013 by events professional Jason Franks and Lord Rupert Redesdale, a Liberal Democrat hereditary peer. Heelec has to date staged seven EMEX shows. The next one, under Mark Allen’s umbrella, will be held from 23-24 November this year at London’s ExCeL.

Lord Redesdale, who will join Mark Allen as a consultant and will remain the face of the exhibition, has been very active in issues concerning the environment, energy and climate change. For eight years until 2008 he was the relevant Lib Dems spokesman in the House of Lords. He was responsible for setting up the Energy Managers Association to bring together this growing band of professionals devoted to sustainability.

Mark Allen said: “This is a superb acquisition for us coming so soon after the interest generated by the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Cop 26, which was held last year in Glasgow. It puts our company right at the heart of the central debate relating to sustainability. Rupert was very keen to stay with EMEX and we are delighted he has agreed to do so. Group CEO, Ben Allen, Tim and I spent a lovely afternoon in the Lords with Jason and Rupert and Rupert’s knowledge and passion shines through.”

Ben Allen went on: “Although we have become a much bigger concern during the last decade, we are a family-based company whose values, we believe, align with those of Rupert’s and the net zero community. What we aim to do is build this community and event into an even greater force for good, without compromising the independence and vision which is what has made EMEX successful.”

Lord Redesdale added: “I am delighted to be joining Mark Allen as a consultant for the EMEX event. This is a crucial and vital time for the planet. It was particularly important to us that we reached out to a company which put such a premium on content and intellectual integrity and Mark Allen fitted that bill. With more investment coming its way, EMEX can only expand and develop.”

Heelec represents Mark Allen’s 24th deal in the last 10 years, which has seen revenues grow from £14.8 million in 2012 to £60 million in 2022 and EBITDA increase during the same period from £1.36 million to £13.3 million, says the company.

HEELEC is an acronym for Home for Energy Efficiency and Low Energy Companies.

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