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Newsquest and JPI “Go Blue” to support the NHS

More than 30 of Newsquest and JPI Media’s newspapers joined forces yesterday to turn their mastheads “blue” in support of the NHS.

Newsquest and JPI “Go Blue” to support the NHS
Toby Granville: “Very timely it also coincided with Captain Tom’s 100th birthday.”

The initiative came as the two publishers wanted to show their solidarity for NHS and key workers on the front line.

Titles to have “turned blue” at Newsquest include The Telegraph & Argus, York Press, The Northern Echo and Bournemouth Echo while at JPI Media, newspapers which adopted the new masthead include The News in Portsmouth, Derbyshire Times and Northampton Chronicle.

Toby Granville, Editorial Development Director at Newsquest, said: “We wanted to demonstrate our appreciation for our NHS workers putting their lives on the line for our communities - and as Thursday is Clap For Carers day it seemed the perfect time to do it.

“Very timely it also coincided with Captain Tom’s 100th birthday – who one of our North East editors Nigel Burton managed to get a group-wide exclusive with - thanking our readers for supporting his fundraising campaign.

Jeremy Clifford, JPI Media’s Editor in Chief said: “It is so inspiring to see the whole nation come together to support our national treasure, the NHS, every Thursday, and our titles want to do what we can to show our gratitude and support for everyone caring for people with Coronavirus.

“Turning our mastheads blue is a simple gesture but one full of sentiment for the courage and professionalism of NHS staff.”

The initiative is set to continue every Thursday for the rest of the Covid-19 period and Newsquest and JPI say that they hope other newspaper publishers will join in.