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NMA publishes response to Bill

News Media Association chief executive, Owen Meredith, has responded to the Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation Bill, which had its second reading in the House of Commons last week.

NMA publishes response to Bill
Owen Meredith: “We welcome the aims of the Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation Bill, now having had its second reading in the Commons today, and the cross-party commitment it enjoys, to outrule the use of SLAPPs once and for all.”

The chief executive of the News Media Association, Owen Meredith, said: “We welcome the aims of the Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation Bill, now having had its second reading in the Commons today, and the cross-party commitment it enjoys, to outrule the use of SLAPPs once and for all. These abhorrent practices must be dismissed promptly and efficiently to safeguard the rights of journalists, activists, campaigners, and whistleblowers from any form of unjustified censorship and intimidation.

“Minister Freer rightly acknowledged that ‘the whole purpose of this Bill is to tackle such behaviour’.

“However, to effectively achieve the Bill’s aims, two simple amendments are required – to replace the complex subject test with a straightforward objective one, based on the identifiable features of abuse; and ensure that these powers do not undermine any existing laws they are seeking to uphold, in particular the public interest test in the Defamation Act.

“These small changes are necessary to ensure the Bill can achieve its purpose and protect freedom of speech for all, not just the rich.”

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