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NUJ condemns death threat against Northern Ireland journalist

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has strongly condemned threats from a loyalist paramilitary group against a Belfast based journalist.

NUJ condemns death threat against Northern Ireland journalist
Michelle Stanistreet: “This is yet another cowardly threat by thugs trying to silence journalists and a free media.”

The union is urging the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) to conduct a thorough and urgent investigation following the threats against the NUJ member.

Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, said: "This is yet another cowardly threat by thugs trying to silence journalists and a free media. The union will do everything to support the journalist concerned and we call on those behind this threat to lift it immediately.

"Death threats and threats of other violence have become a regular occurrence for many journalists in Northern Ireland but there is nothing normal about this scenario.

"The NUJ calls on the PSNI to vigorously pursue those behind all threats to journalists and media workers and bring them before the courts.”

Seamus Dooley, Irish secretary, said: "Our immediate concern is for the safety and welfare of the journalist concerned, a person I know to be a reporter of integrity.

"We assure them, their editor and colleagues of our full support. There can be no peace and no democracy in a society when journalists operate under threats.

"Those who issue such threats must by now realise that journalists will not be silenced. We call on anyone who may be in a position to influence those behind these threats to do so.

"Every worker has a right to earn a living free of intimidation and fear. Journalists are no exception”.

The NUJ says it will continue to call for an end to the harassment and intimidation by groups deploying threatening tactics, providing support to all members who continue to carry out their roles in the face of such hostility.

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