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The Press Awards – entries open next week

National newspapers and their journalists can enter The Press Awards for 2014 from 10am on Monday 1 December 2014.

The Awards will celebrate the best of British national newspaper journalism in 2014.

The closing date for entries is Monday 5 January 2015, allowing time for even the very last stories of the year to be included in submissions. A shortlist will be announced in February 2015.

Early entries are encouraged and dedicated staff are available to assist with both online and telephone support ahead of the Christmas break. During the period 24th December – 1st January 2015 enquiries will be dealt with via email only.

The Press Awards, which culminate with a glittering gala dinner at the London Marriott Grosvenor Square Hotel on Tuesday 10 March 2015, are organised on behalf of the industry by the Society of Editors. Enquiries with regards to table bookings can be made online from now.

Proceeds will help fund the Society of Editors campaigning for press freedom and the Journalists’ Charity.

The Grosvenor Square Hotel will provide the backdrop for the most prestigious event in the industry’s calendar with more than 400 editors, writers and columnists coming together to salute the quality, diversity and success of national newspaper journalism, says the Society.

Bob Satchwell, Executive Director of the Society of Editors and chairman of the judges said: “We look forward to reading the entries in all categories and we have no doubt that they will give weight to the belief that the journalism being produced in the UK remains among the best in the world.”