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Time Out magazine announces temporary Time In

Last week, Time Out changed its logo to Time In, in support of responsible health policy and in solidarity with the many people across the world who can’t go out right now.

Time Out magazine announces temporary Time In
Caroline McGinn: “In these unprecedented times, we will continue to bring the best of the city to Londoners.”

That’s why, say the publishers, Time Out now brings the best of the city to your home, as Time In.

With many city-dwellers currently working from home and fewer commuters in the city, Time Out magazine will temporarily have a Time In too - like so many people - and go digital-only for now. Once the city bounces back, the magazine will return, promise the publishers.

Time Out content, including its digital magazine, will continue to be available across the brand’s websites. In addition, Time Out social media channels and email newsletters will offer timely news, inspiration and support.

New content strands have been created dedicated to serving the city, and bringing the city and its culture to the millions of people working from home - these include: “Time In Daily”, “The best of the city - straight to your sofa”, “Community inspiration - how city dwellers are helping each other”, and “Time In Festival”, showcasing live venues and artists who are streaming their gigs, shows, exhibitions and cultural resources for free right now.

As many independent venues are facing a tough time, Time Out is also launching a Love Local campaign to show support, whether or not people are able to go out to them. This campaign will be stepped up when cities bounce back and local favourites can be actively visited once more.

Caroline McGinn, Time Out’s Global Editor-in-Chief, said: “Our editorial team across the globe has risen to the challenge of this fast-changing situation and our writers, photographers and videographers are tirelessly working to create content that is inspiring, helpful and diverting during this time we are IN. It is uplifting to see people and venues in our cities helping each other, and coming together through virtual shared experiences when they cannot physically congregate. We are showcasing many of these incredible initiatives and have been heartened to see our audience continue to show strong support for our brand and, most importantly, each other and the cities they love.

“Since 1968, Time Out has curated the best of the city and has been part of urban cultural life around the world, through good times and more challenging ones. In these unprecedented times, we will continue to bring the best of the city to Londoners and to celebrate its diversity, spirit and resilience, which are so apparent in this crisis: we’re here to document that as Time In until it’s time to go out again.”