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Publishing Services Directory

Digital Editions / Apps

10 suppliers in this category.


We help you create engaging digital editions and content hubs from collections of your important content, including your static PDFs.

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Branded Editions

Ours is the industry-leading technology powering some of the world’s most prestigious titles including The Guardian, Clarin, El Universal, Japan Times, The Globe and Mail, ¡HOLA! and TELEVISA.

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BtP Publishing

We enable publishers to rapidly create personalised digital magazines and newspapers across mobile, tablet and desktop - driving long term engagement and increasing revenue.

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Cafeyn Group is a leading digital press platform, offering its paying subscribers seamless access to local and international content across all devices.

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At Clock, we make really imaginative digital stuff, for ambitious clients who expect more from technology.

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We provide publishers with the technology and services needed to produce and deliver premium digital magazine content.

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Evolved Media

Our technology is sophisticated, fast and reliable, which means your business and your creative teams can rely on robust, proven solutions that deliver performance and keep on delivering performance every day.

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Exact Editions

We work with publishers to create dynamic, user-friendly digital editions, specialising in creating fully-searchable archives, selling subscriptions and providing streaming solutions across web, iOS and Android platforms.

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Full Fat Things

We make beautiful, connected digital products to grow businesses and audiences.

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We offer two leading consumer sites in the publishing sector, and Pocketmags, and a popular digital edition app and archive platform, MagazineCloner.

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