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Conservatives Caught Publishing Fake Newspapers Again

The Conservative Party’s campaign tactics have been branded “appalling” by one of Britain’s most renowned photojournalists after imitating a shuttered local newspaper to garner votes.

Conservatives Caught Publishing Fake Newspapers Again
“Typical of politicians.”

Lincoln Conservative MP Karl McCartney has issued a leaflet to residents branded as the ‘Lincoln Chronicle’ – the same name as a weekly newspaper in the seat that was closed 15 years ago, and which many residents remember, reports the Byline Times.

Dr Mike Maloney OBE, one of the UK’s most decorated photographers and a Lincolnite who began his career at the real Lincoln Chronicle in the 1970s, told Byline Times the fake newspaper was “typical of politicians”. He added it represented the idea of “never letting the facts interfere with a good story.”

“It was very, very sad when the Chronicle closed. I started my career there decades ago. At one time it was a great paper,” Dr Maloney said, adding that the decision by the local Conservatives to imitate the defunct paper was “appalling”.

Lincoln resident Sasha Drennan told Byline Times the party was “at it again” after the Conservative Party’s widespread use of fake newspapers to promote their candidates was revealed. It seems to be becoming a strategy.

Pic: Byline Times

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