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Guardian Weekly to become weekly news magazine

The Guardian has announced that it is turning its international weekly newspaper - Guardian Weekly - into a weekly news magazine.

Guardian Weekly is almost 100 years old - the first edition was 4 July 1919. Its stated aim was to present “what is best and most interesting in the Guardian, what is most distinctive and independent of time, in a compact form”.

According to its publishers, it has a current circulation of around 42,000 across 170 countries across the world, of which 32,000 are subscribers and around 10,000 newsstand sales.

The redesign was announced to existing subscribers in this week’s edition in a letter to readers by editor Will Dean. First issues of the new look Guardian Weekly will be on Friday 12 October - arriving on newsstands and with subscribers from Thursday 11 October.

There will be three editions with a localised section of content - Australia, North America and a global edition.

It will be available on more newstands in Australia, and in more in the UK, including 120 travel WHSmiths. It will continue to be sold in a number of independent retailers in the US.

It will be moving from the newspaper stand to sit alongside other weekly news magazine titles, and will continue to be available on subscription.

This move, says the publishers, builds on the ongoing success of The Guardian’s US and Australian operations - both editorially and commercially. The new product will further diversify The Guardian’s international revenues.

Katharine Viner, editor-in-chief of Guardian News & Media, said: “The new-look Guardian Weekly has been beautifully redesigned as a modern weekly news magazine to meet the growing demand for Guardian journalism across the world. It will continue to offer the best reporting, opinion and features from the Guardian, Observer, and our international editions in the US and Australia - giving our readers more ways to engage with and support Guardian journalism.”

David Pemsel, CEO, Guardian Media Group: “The Guardian’s international brand and business has gone from strength to strength over the last five years, and we now have successful news and commercial operations in both the US and Australia. Our move into the weekly news magazine market reflects the demand we see for Guardian journalism and will further diversify our international revenue.”