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Industry support enables NewstrAid to send treat packages

Industry charity NewstrAid is sending treat packages to hundreds of beneficiaries coping with lockdown thanks to the generosity of the news trade.

Industry support enables NewstrAid to send treat packages
Mike Mirams: “The generous contributions of our industry partners have helped make this possible.”

With the support of publishers, wholesalers and distributors, each sponsoring packages for a number of households, the charity has been able to send more than 500 hampers filled with goodies such as biscuits, cakes and snacks to beneficiaries isolating or shielding at home.

Mike Mirams, NewstrAid CEO said: “All of our beneficiaries are vulnerable or in need of support and will be feeling the effects of the lockdown. We wanted to send them something to raise their spirits and let them know that although they are isolating, they are not alone. The generous contributions of our industry partners have helped make this possible.”

Those supporting the initiative include: Reach Plc, Smiths News, Menzies Distribution, Mail Newspapers, Intermedia, Newtrade Media, Frontline, Seymour and Willis News.

NewstrAid is a charity that supports anyone facing hardship who is or has been employed in the sale or distribution of newspapers and magazines in the UK. Last year they paid £741,554 to households in need, helping over 700 regular beneficiaries with a news trade connection. In addition to financial support, NewstrAid has an anxiety helpline and provides debt and state benefit advice.