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New Humanist opens up 133-year archive

Every issue of the New Humanist, and its predecessors throughout the years, is now available through the digital edition developed in partnership with digital publishing company Exact Editions.

New Humanist opens up 133-year archive

Archives of this depth give an important insight into our cultural history and users can now explore those rare pages on web, iOS and Android platforms, says Exact Editions.

Published by the Rationalist Association, whose past members include Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell and HG Wells, the magazine has always engaged in crucial debates on religion, science and equality. The complete archive spans multiple generations of writers and readers, offering academics the opportunity see how the atheist, humanist and rationalist movements have changed since the RA was founded in 1885. The archive contains a full set of periodicals, from Watts’s Literary Guide through to New Humanist, as well as journals such as the Agnostic Annual and Question.

Institutions and individuals from around the world can now purchase New Humanist with cross-platform access. The digital archive includes a number of online tools for subscribers; the seamless browsing experience on both web and application platforms is enhanced by a bookmarking functionality and an offline browsing facility. The extensive archive of back issues, as well as all the latest content, benefits from an advanced search function so that every article, page and issue can be searched, shared and cited.

Daniel Trilling, editor of New Humanist, commented on the archive: “Everyone at the Rationalist Association is excited that for the first time we are able to show readers the full depth of the New Humanist archive. This is a great resource for researchers in fields ranging across philosophy and theology, social science and the humanities.”

Managing Director of Exact Editions, Daryl Rayner, said about the launch: “Digitising the complete archive of New Humanist has been a great undertaking and now it has come to fruition we are delighted with the final product. This project is truly representative of what Exact Editions aims to provide to the institutional market; rare and valuable magazine archives.”