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NewstrAid launches new scheme

Industry charity NewstrAid has launched a new scheme specifically aimed at supporting retailers, their families and their staff.

NewstrAid launches new scheme
Katie Babooram: “More than 50% of the people NewstrAid help every year come from the retail sector and so we felt it was important to create a support scheme to specifically address some of the problems that this community can face.”

NewstrAid says The Retailer Support Scheme aims to provide financial, emotional and practical support to retailers who are facing hardship due to unexpected changes to their circumstances - be that because of ill health, family issues, crime or anything else that life might throw up.

NewstrAid’s Welfare Manager, Katie Babooram, said: “More than 50% of the people NewstrAid help every year come from the retail sector and so we felt it was important to create a support scheme to specifically address some of the problems that this community can face.”

The charity says it cannot help with business debts, overdrafts or clearing credit card debts but are able to assist with problems at home which can occur as a knock-on effect of these issues.

Katie Babooram added: “We know that there are a lot of retailers who are facing difficulties at the moment. Although NewstrAid cannot help with business-related costs, we can help with issues that are affecting home life from financial help with the cost of home items, priority household bills or disability aids to personal debt advice, benefits advice and bereavement support.”

All NewstrAid grants are non-repayable and won’t affect any other benefits. Full details can be found here.

Beneficiary Story 1

The owner of a small newsagents and convenience store stopped taking a wage from the business after he broke his arm and was unable to work. Although staff were keeping the business running, he no longer had any personal income, and was now struggling to afford everyday household essentials for his family. NewstrAid say they were able to help with grants to cover living essentials until his arm healed and he was able to work again.

Beneficiary Story 2

A shop assistant of seven years was falling behind on priority bills and struggling to pay for weekly essentials due to the high costs for gas and electricity and increases in weekly food bills. Debts were mounting and they worried that there would be future repercussions if they didn’t clear them, which was causing stress and anxiety. Their manager suggested they contact NewstrAid to see what support might be available.

NewstrAid say they were able to award grants to clear the rent arrears and to help pay for some groceries. The charity also provided access to their Wellbeing Helpline and online resources to help with the stress and anxiety caused by the financial hardship.

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