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Paywall launched for the Express & Star and Shropshire Star

Two publications in the West Midlands have introduced a paywall on their websites, as part of an ongoing commitment to investing in high-quality, trusted local journalism – and delivering the best possible service to readers.

Paywall launched for the Express & Star and Shropshire Star
Martin Wright: “As we adapt to the evolving media landscape, this paywall represents a significant shift in our approach to digital content distribution.”

MNA Media says the Express & Star and Shropshire Star readers will see the new subscription model when accessing selected content on and

Although some articles will remain accessible to all users, some of the best curated premium content will only be available to subscribers.

Editor-in-chief Martin Wright said: “As we adapt to the evolving media landscape, this paywall represents a significant shift in our approach to digital content distribution.

“While we will continue to offer a selection of articles for free, subscribers will gain exclusive access to our premium content, showcasing the best articles from our team of talented journalists.”

The publisher says subscribers will be able to enjoy the latest news, sport, entertainment and updates in a premium digital environment, free from intrusive advertising. Both the Express & Star and Shropshire Star recently introduced new website designs, which are easy to use and navigate, while being accessible from any device.

Martin said: “By subscribing, readers not only support our newsroom's ability to produce the best coverage of our region, but they will also contribute towards the long-term sustainability of trustworthy journalism.

“Our dedicated team at MNA Media, the parent company of the Express & Star and Shropshire Star, will use the revenue generated from the paywall to further invest in investigative journalism and in-depth reporting.

“This investment ensures that we consistently provide our valued readers with the highest quality journalism, which demands substantial resources. We are confident that our readers will appreciate the value of our content and the enhanced user experience that comes with a subscription.

“By introducing a paywall, we are taking steps to ensure the long-term viability of independent journalism in the region, reinforcing the importance of trustworthy reporting in an age overwhelmed by information – and sadly misinformation – overload.”

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