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Publisher’s Toolbox provides virtual campus tour

Publisher’s Toolbox and the University of Kent have collaborated to offer prospective students a “virtual” taste of campus life.

Publisher’s Toolbox provides virtual campus tour
Simone Davis: “We’re delighted that our collaboration with Publisher’s Toolbox has given us an exciting way to engage with applicants.”

With prospective students currently unable to physically attend open days due to Covid-19 restrictions, the collaboration between Publisher’s Toolbox and the University of Kent will help bridge the gap by giving students a taste of campus life from the safety and comfort of their homes.

A first of its kind in the education sector, says Publisher’s Toolbox, the newly released University of Kent mobile app will feature on-demand video streaming, augmented reality technology, and interactive virtual tours of the campus, giving students an opportunity to “explore campus life” from the palm of their hands, while increasing engagement with the university along every step of the admissions process.

Fresh off the launch of their digital partnership with Bristol Sport in October 2019, this latest venture into the education sector is part of a wider shift for Publisher’s Toolbox that sees them branch out from their publishing roots.

John Miles, Publisher’s Toolbox product director, says: “University communities are highly communicative and interactive, so it makes sense, given our track record of helping traditional media organisations establish digital communities, to prioritise this sector. We’re proud that we got to work with the University of Kent, as it is one of the UK’s forward-thinking academic institutions. This is an indication that we’re heading in the right direction with our digital and mobile app community offering.”

Simone Davis, interim director of marketing at University of Kent, says: “We’re delighted that our collaboration with Publisher’s Toolbox has given us an exciting way to engage with applicants, showcase our academic excellence and welcome future students to our University community.”

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