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Readly goes onboard with SAS

SAS Scandinavian Airlines will no longer offer paper-based onboard reading for their passengers. Instead, the focus is on digital reading, and members of the SAS Eurobonus program will now be able to access Readly’s entire catalogue of close to 1,000 titles via SAS’ own app.

“SAS customers are becoming increasingly digital and we are continuously developing our app to meet their needs,” says Eivind Roald, Executive Vice President Commercial, SAS. “Our partnership with Readly and the increased choice in the SAS Newsstand means we can offer a good digital solution where customers can also access a broad range of titles up to 22 hours before they travel. Our digital focus is the main reason we will discontinue printed newspapers at gates. The huge volume of printed newspapers at airports is also a challenge from a logistics and environmental perspective,” adds Roald.

“We want to make digital magazine reading available to as many people as possible,” says Per Hellberg, CEO of Readly International. “Our 'all-you-can-eat' subscription model with full access at a fixed low monthly cost is the basis for this, but at the same time it is important for us to develop partnerships that extend our reach. Our new cooperation with SAS is an example of this, where SAS Eurobonus passengers now will have access to an extensive portfolio of quality magazines from ten countries.”