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ABC issues first certificate to newly-agreed Social Video Code

This week, ABC issued video ad technology company Unruly with a certificate of their compliance with the Social Video Code.

This certificate confirms Unruly’s compliance with the Social Video Code of Conduct recently approved by JICWEBS. The new Code is an extension of the Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) Good Practice Principles, which aim to deliver a higher level of brand safety to advertisers.

Social Video is defined as ‘non-interruptive, user-initiated video’ and is a rapidly growing area. This certification is available to all businesses who request ABC to verify their compliance in this area; bringing greater trust and transparency to digital advertising. Unruly is the first business to receive this certification.

Steve Chester, Director of Data & Industry Programmes, IAB comments, “I’m pleased to see Unruly have verified their compliance with the new JICWEBS code. Social Video offers a rapidly expanding opportunity for advertisers. As we’ve recently seen, brand safety is of utmost importance to advertisers and this new code supports that aim.”

Glen Duncan, Global Operations Director, Unruly comments, “We are thrilled to be the first business to receive this new certification. Brands and media agencies can have full confidence that we will be delivering video content across the Open Web in a safer and more transparent manner.”

Jerry Wright, Chief Executive, ABC summarises, “Congratulations to Unruly for obtaining their Social Video Code certification. ABC’s proven track record in providing digital certification has delivered trust and transparency for many different platforms. It is crucial that advertisers and agencies can be reassured about what they are buying and that suppliers demonstrate their willingness to be independently-certified.”