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Dennis supports Amber

Dennis Publishing has announced that the charity the company will be supporting in 2015 is The Amber Foundation.

Amber helps disadvantaged unemployed young people get back on track by developing their motivation, confidence and the skills they need to get a job and accommodation, and to be able to keep them.

Many of the young people that arrive at Amber’s doors are homeless, says Dennis, have misused drugs or alcohol, lack self-esteem, have no qualifications and low basic skills, and may have been involved in crime. Amber’s three residential centres offer these young people a fresh start; a chance to sort out their problems, change their lives, and generally acquire the know-how for independent living and work – more than 81% of ‘Ambertees’ leave the centres with these valuable life skills.

The Dennis CSR Team is already hard at work thinking up bigger and better ideas for this year’s fundraising and support activities, and there will be regular updates about progress throughout the year, says Dennis Publishing.