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Air Business achieves ISO carbon footprint verification

Air Business, a global distribution, subscriptions and e-commerce management company, has announced the achievement of ISO 14064-1 carbon footprint verification with Carbonology Ltd.

Air Business achieves ISO carbon footprint verification
Adam Sherman: “I’m delighted that Air Business has reached this milestone of verification of our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions as we are fully committed to minimising emissions across our business and throughout our supply chain.”

The ISO 14064 standard provides organisations with an integrated set of tools for programs aimed at measuring, quantifying and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, says the company.

Air Business says it has worked in partnership with Carbonology Ltd to create an Emissions Monitoring System, allowing data to be added at regular intervals to track performance for both consumption (electricity, gas, water, etc.) and emissions, whilst also helping to streamline the process for meeting mandatory reporting requirements, including Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR).

The two companies have also worked to develop a Sustainability Matrix for outbound goods, enabling the company to identify the distances that goods travel. This matrix will be used for long-term monitoring of Air Business’s downstream transportation emissions, with the aim of assisting their clients in reaching their own sustainability targets.

Adam Sherman, chief executive officer at air business, commented: “I’m delighted that Air Business has reached this milestone of verification of our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions as we are fully committed to minimising emissions across our business and throughout our supply chain. Sustainability is an integral consideration for any company, particularly those involved in the logistics industry, so this is another important step forward for Air Business on our sustainability journey.”

Anthony Bunker, accreditation and sustainability manager, added: “We are now tracking a wide range of emissions related to Air Business, including upstream and downstream transportation, business travel, employee commuting and homeworking, and the recycling of materials. All of this information feeds in to support our wider Sustainability Roadmap and Carbon Reduction planning.”

You can find out more about Air Business in our Publishing Services Directory.

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