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Air Business Drives Forward on Carbon Footprint Reporting

Air Business, a global distribution, fulfilment and subscriptions management company, has released its greenhouse gas emission and energy use figures.

Air Business Drives Forward on Carbon Footprint Reporting
Clare Wheeler: “I’m really proud that Air Business is open and transparent about our carbon footprint and what we’re doing to reduce it.”

Publication of the first ‘Air Business Group: Our Carbon Footprint & Sustainability’ report is the culmination of recent activity to demonstrate Air Business’s commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability. This follows the appointment of Clare Wheeler as Chief People and Sustainability Officer and the creation of an internal Sustainability Working Group.

The report, which is available for download, describes Air Business’s current activity, sustainability objectives, detailed carbon footprint data and next steps.

Commenting on the report, Clare Wheeler, said, “I’m really proud that Air Business is open and transparent about our carbon footprint and what we’re doing to reduce it.” She added, “According to a recent survey, nearly 60% of young people approached across 10 countries said they felt very worried or extremely worried about climate change. With ongoing discussions at COP26 highlighting the importance of taking action now, we recognise we all have a part to play. This report, and the actions we’re taking, will help.”

Adam Sherman, CEO at Air Business, commented, “In 2014, Air Business achieved ISO 14001 certification for environmental management and launched its Environmental Policy, so we’ve focussed on sustainability for several years. Publishing our carbon footprint and sustainability plans takes our commitment to another level and highlights how determined we are to do the right thing. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of An Post, one of leading sustainable organisations in Ireland, we recognise the importance driving this issue forward.”

There are challenges, cautions Clare Wheeler. “We use our optimal routing matrix for customer mailings, which means we mix and match suppliers and services to create a bespoke route for each mailing. Calculating the carbon footprint of every route is dependent on supplier data, which isn’t always available. However, we’re working with a carbonologist to identify standard values for energy use for our main destinations and methods of transport, which will input into our data in due course.”

Air Business says it is working closely with customers to support their sustainability plans and identify ways to reduce Air Business’s carbon impact on their operations. It is also an active member of the PPA’s Sustainability Action Group, and has been audited by a leading environmental standards company in Ireland, in collaboration with its owner, An Post, and is awaiting the report, says the company.

You can find out more about Air Business in our Publishing Services Directory.

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