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IPSO launches Readers’ Advisory Panel

IPSO has launched a panel to advise on its work and wider industry issues from the perspective of readers and citizens, which has met for the first time.

The Readers’ Advisory Panel will provide comment to IPSO on any issues on which it is consulting or developing guidance, including the regular review of the Editors’ Code of Practice; provide their view to any external review or audit of IPSO; and act as a focal point for the public or representative groups to feed back their experiences of IPSO, says IPSO.

The six panellists are Connie Henry, a former senior private sector manager; Dr Kate Sang, an academic; Michael Curran, who works in PR; Nabila Zulfiqar, a solicitor with experience of regulation and governance; Samantha McFarlane, marketing agency owner and charity trustee; and Tom Rowland, a campaigner and former journalist. None of the panellists are employed by a publisher that is or could be regulated by IPSO.

Charlotte Urwin, IPSO’s Head of Standards, said: “I am delighted to welcome our panellists. Their input as readers will help inform IPSO’s important work around press standards and they will provide us with invaluable advice and expertise.”

IPSO has also set up a Journalists’ Advisory Panel to offer advice from the perspective of journalists, this panel meets for the first time early in the New Year, with practitioners coming from the national and regional press and the magazine sector. Membership will be confirmed in January 2017.