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SoE complains about conference charges

The Society of Editors has this week written to the Conservative Party to oppose a flat fee for all journalists to attend its upcoming October annual conference.

SoE complains about conference charges

In a letter to Alex Wild, the Director of Communications, the Society said that it was disappointed to see that, in comparison with previous years, members of the press are this year being asked to pay a £125 fee for attendance upon registration.

The Society reiterated that the media fulfils a vital role in a democratic society and annual conferences play a significant part in shaping party policy and setting the party’s platform and agenda for the year ahead.

Given the significant public interest in covering party conferences – not least by the governing party – it is imperative that attendance to the media remains free, open and unrestricted.

By limiting access to only those who can afford to attend, this endangers the principle of a free media and comes at a time when budgets are already significantly stretched, says the Society.

The letter has been backed by the News Media Association, News Media Coalition and the Foreign Press Association.

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