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Yasmin Jetha joins GMG board

Guardian Media Group (GMG) has announced that Yasmin Jetha has joined the GMG board as a non-executive director, with immediate effect.

Yasmin Jetha joins GMG board

Yasmin is currently a non-executive director of The Royal Bank of Scotland and Nation Media Group (East Africa), as well as being an independent panel member of the Cabinet Office Major Projects Review Group. Yasmin previously held Chief Information Officer roles at Bupa and the Financial Times, where she subsequently became the Chief Operating Officer.

Neil Berkett, chair of GMG, said: “Yasmin has had a first-rate career encompassing leadership roles in a number of world-leading businesses. As GMG continues to evolve, her experience in organisations undergoing digital transformation, in the media and other sectors, will complement the expertise of our other board members.”

Yasmin Jetha said: “I am delighted to join the Guardian Media Group board. The Guardian has always been responsive to its readership and has, as C P Scott wrote in 1921, both a moral as well as a material existence. Its role now is as vital as ever in helping readers interpret a world increasingly driven by technological advances. I look forward to playing my part in enabling the management team to continue to fulfil its mission.”

GMG is wholly owned by The Scott Trust Limited, which exists to secure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian in perpetuity.