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Glasgow Times delivered free to care homes

The Glasgow Times is launching a new dedicated service for the elderly that will see free copies of the paper delivered to care homes across the city.

Glasgow Times delivered free to care homes

As reported on the Glasgow Times website yesterday:

With the UK in coronavirus lockdown and many people separated from their loved ones we want to make sure older readers have access to all the latest Glasgow news as well as crucial updates about how the pandemic is affecting our city.

We have added extra puzzles in the paper and there are brand new community pages, while our daily 'Memories' picture gallery gives elderly readers the chance to reminisce about the Glasgow of days gone by.

Every batch of papers delivered to care homes - from Thursday - will be wrapped. While there is no evidence that the virus could be spread in this way, we want to give extra reassurance to our older readers and staff.

Richard Donald, assistant director at Glasgow’s Golden Generation, said: “The Glasgow Times’ initiative of delivering free copies of the newspaper to care homes is really heart-warming and a great way of bringing the outside world in to older adults.

“Being able to keep up with what’s happening outwith care homes is really important and we are sure these older adults will enjoy the puzzles and community pages which will keep their minds active during this period.

“The Memories pages are sure to inspire some reminiscence among residents of times gone by in Glasgow as this is an activity we do frequently within our day centres and it is always enjoyable.

“We are all really mindful that while we may not know how long these government measures will last for, we know they will end and we will be able to get back to normal life within weeks or months.”