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New lifeline for struggling independent retailers

The Federation of Independent Retailers (NFRN) is throwing a lifeline to its members who are facing severe hardship with the launch of a new fund.

New lifeline for struggling independent retailers

The NFRN Covid-19 Hardship Fund has been created to alleviate some of the financial pressures that independent retailers may be facing.

It will offer financial assistance in the form of a grant to members suffering cash flow and other financial challenges through the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

Announcing its launch, National President Stuart Reddish said: “The impact of Covid-19 on the lives and businesses of some independent retailers has been unprecedented. We are acutely aware that some members are facing significant day to day financial challenges and that the help and support that we already provide to them needs to be boosted.

“We have, therefore, created a fund to alleviate the worries that independent retailers are experiencing as footfall in their shops drop and as their bills mount.”

The NFRN has identified and will be contacting members that it believes could benefit from a hardship fund grant. Other members suffering hardship can also apply via a form on the NFRN website.

Mr Reddish added: “Applicants must be suffering significant financial hardship so we can provide help quickly to those who need it most.”

A small team of officials, led by NFRN Vice President Muntazir Dipoti, have been mobilised to consider the applications.

The Federation, its districts and branches, and retail partners are all contributing generously to this fund, says the NFRN.