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Pixometry is the new name for Elpical Software

Elpical Software BV has announced a major milestone in the company’s evolution. From today, Elpical is rebranding to Pixometry.

Pixometry is the new name for Elpical Software
John de Jong: “The change to Pixometry is in line with our expanded focus.”

Pixometry reflects the evolving focus of the company, embracing expanded technologies and markets, all the while creating a modern and logical brand, says the company.

John de Jong, CEO and owner, explains: “A lot of elements, technological and operational, came together at the same time, enabling us to complete a fundamental project I’ve planned for a couple of years.”

“The change to Pixometry is in line with our expanded focus on additional markets and establishing a solid architecture to enable our future initiatives.”

De Jong continues: “In co-ordination with the rebrand we are releasing the latest version of Claro, our image correction software, now also known as Pixometry. I’m immensely proud of our team that have delivered both a new platform and a feature rich version of our core product.”

This Pixometry release has a number of new features and improved functionality on many levels. The enhancement engine has been dramatically expanded upon, the AI layered service offerings have been developed further to provide for the most intelligent automated image toning process available and the underlying operational architecture has been updated to fully embrace cloud technologies, says Pixometry.

A few of the key features include:

  • Advanced skin tone identification and correction
  • Highly accurate image background removal
  • Additional toning capabilities based on AI image understanding
  • Advanced image noise recognition and reduction
  • Content Aware Cropping
  • Improved Image SEO functions for online image use

Elpical Software BV, a Netherlands based organisation, was formed in 1997 after a MBO from Victor Hasselblad, the Swedish camera manufacturing company. Elpical’s Claro software is in daily use around the globe in content publishers, (r)etailers and similar organisations that have a need to enhance a high volume of images in a short period of time.

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