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Coronavirus hub

The coronavirus is putting unprecedented strain on society, the economy and, of course, the publishing sector. Here is what the industry is doing about it...

By James Evelegh

Coronavirus hub
Finding new ways of working...

Necessity is the mother of invention.


This page attempts to pull together news, advice and guidance and will be updated regularly. Needless to say, it’s not comprehensive.

Take care.


Industry resources & guidance

The following industry bodies have created special pages or websites to give advice about the coronavirus pandemic:

Messages from our advertising partners

What some of our advertising partners are saying (shown in alphabetical order):

AdvantageCSAir BusinessCircdataDenmaur Paper MediaEScoGlobal Media HubJellyfishinterconnect/itLineup SystemsNemorin Film & VideoPrecision Colour PrintingPapermuleSpread the Word Mediavjoon

Marketing offers from our advertising partners

The following are special marketing offers from our advertising partners (shown in alphabetical order):

Selection of articles and news stories about coronavirus

Here are links to coronavirus related news stories and articles (in date order, with the most recent shown first):

Your dispatches from the publishing frontline

Do you have a dispatch? Something to help and inspire others? We would like to hear and publish your stories about how you are coping. We are particularly interested in tips on how to get through this crisis, advice about homeworking, new things and initiatives you’re trying, noteworthy experiences / insights / observations about publishing strategy at a time of crisis. Please make your stories no more than 200 words and email to, along with an (optional) picture of yourself.

The pieces below are published in date order, with the most recent shown first:

Zamir Walimohamed, Motor Sport Magazine

Zamir Walimohamed, Motor Sport Magazine: “Covid-19 is obviously impacting everyone’s lives, and as you can imagine the publishing world is in turmoil at the moment with normal revenue streams being thrown into question.

I’m not saying it was easy but at Motor Sport Magazine we were able to adapt our working habits very quickly but more importantly try our best to better utilise our teams.

As an example, we have members of our commercial team supporting our e-commerce department, other members utilising previous skills and helping with social marketing and even managers picking up the phone to call subscribers!

Thanks to this hard work and determination to make it work in these tough times the team not only sold a one-off pair of Ayrton Senna gloves for £10,000! We also had our best ever month in online sales. Be sure to check out the site and browse the shop as we are constantly adding new products.”

Dan Healy, EMG Health

Dan Healy, EMG Health: “At EMG-Health, the safety and well-being of our employees is our priority, so we made the decision much earlier than other companies and govt advice for the entire workforce to work from home. Although unprecedented for us, the migration was flawless, mainly due to the ‘can do’ attitude of our staff, their motivation and buy-in, and our solid IT infrastructure. To try and maintain BAU interaction and collaboration, our depts have MS Teams video meetings three times a day in addition to the usual cross departmental ad hoc meetings as and when required. We have also set up a virtual ‘coffee lounge’ in Teams where staff can interact less formally through video whenever they want, we’ve also adopted Zoom, and created a mental health team who constantly check in on the welfare of our staff and support those in need.

Business is still good. We’ve reached out to our clients proactively to offer our support and also to offer them contingency plans in case their plans change over this uncertain time – the more certainty we can give them, the easier it makes it for them. Many medical congresses in the foreseeable future have been cancelled, but we are still helping the companies deliver their research, knowledge, and expert insight through our direct access to almost 500,000 healthcare professionals. We are also still publishing all of our journals as planned on schedule and are even managing to carry on recording podcasts, so we have maintained our manoeuvrability and are getting through these challenging times by sticking to our core principles, albeit with the workforce not in the office.

Also, to help educate healthcare professionals on COVID-19 we’ve launched a free to access dedicated micro site with specialist news, opinion and comment from carefully selected industry sources, and a page where hospitals and health care providers can connect with suppliers of medical devices that they are in need of. We hope this not-for-profit initiative will help the global fight against this deadly pandemic.

Each day we are one day closer...”

Robert McCaffrey, Pro Global Media

Robert McCaffrey, Pro Global Media: “Here at Global Cement Magazine, we’ve converted three conference to virtual events and will be working on various projects to ‘pivot’ to virtual services in the coming months. This is an opportunity not to be missed.”

Steve Dyson, Dyson Media

Steve Dyson, Dyson Media: “I've had physical courses cancelled left, right and centre, although I can do some remotely.

At the same time, I've had a new series of podcasts commissioned for one client and regular vodcasts requested by another because I've got the know-how to record remotely. The know-how I taught myself the day before yesterday!

Two sides of the same coin! At least in the short term.”